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Classification Of Sports Tourism And The Importance It Holds

You might have heard about this term sports tourism. But, unless you are pretty much sure of the real meaning behind it, you won’t be able to understand the importance it holds. Sports tourism, in layman’s term, is mainly referred as travel, which will involve either participating or observing sporting event, while staying apart from the usual environment of tourists. This kind of traveling is completely revolving around sports and nothing else. Right now, sports tourism is a growing sector of the globalized travel industry. It has currently equates to around $8 billion.

Get to the classifications:

There are so many classifications under sport tourism bracket. Most of the time, this form of tourism is classified under two major belts; hard sports and soft sports. But, there are some other research materials, which have distinguished sports tourism under three belts; sports event tourism, active sport tourism and nostalgia and celebrity sports tourism.

Hard and soft tourism:

The term “hard” in this form of sports tourism mainly refers to quantity of people, willing to participate in competitive sports events. Most of the time, these kinds of events are motivated ones, which will attract visitors to events. Some examples of hard sports tourism are Grand Prix, FIFA World Cup, Olympic Games and more.

On the other hand, you have soft sports tourism, where the tourist travels to participate in some of the recreational sports or just signing up for leisure interests. Some such examples are skiing, running, hiking and canoeing. The most common example of soft sports has to be golfs in some of the destinations in the USA and Europe. Most people are highly involved to play world’s greatest form of courses and take pride by participating in those games. Well, people from TVG might help you with the distinction.

Sports event tourism:

Sports event tourism mainly refers to people visiting city to watch events. The two most attractive events of all time, forcing people to come and join you from various parts of the world are FIFA World Cup and Olympics.

  • These events take place once in every four years and in different parts of the world.
  • You have sports tourism in the USA, which is focused on events, which take place annually.
  • The major event over here is the National Football League and it is the Super Bowl
  • The current idea of pairing quality sports with the attractions of Bahamas raised the current island’s profile and brought in some of the visitors and bucks to the country.

You have celebrity sport tourism:

When it comes to celebrity and nostalgia sports tourism, you are actually involving people and their trips to sports hall of fame and the venue. They are going to meet some of the sports personalities in vacation basis. On the other hand, you have active sports tourism as well, which refer to those people, participating in sports or in sports events. Some examples of active sports are football, rugby, basketball and similar such examples. Most of the major sport events are organized every year in most globalized countries.

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