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Golf Etiquette: The Ultimate Ticklist

If you are unsure about the dress code for your first ever round of golf, your local golf club should be able to advise you. Call up in advance and find out the club’s dress code if you don’t want to land an embarrassing golfing faux pas, but most rules for golf etiquette are the same, and here we take a look at the ultimate tick list of what you should and shouldn’t do when it comes to dressing for the game.

For beginners, golfing can be a complex sport to learn, one that requires a lot of patience and practice around getting the techniques just right. Then next, there’s the golf clothing and equipment you need to think about. Together, you have a minefield of potential mistakes and blunders.

Take a look at this checklist to make sure you get your golfing etiquette right up to scratch:

  1. Wear a collared shirt – never wear a t-shirt or a shirt without a collar. Anything without a smart appearance is unacceptable on the golf course.
  2. Don’t wear sleeveless tops – sleeveless tops are also unacceptable for the golf course so tank tops and sleeveless tees are out of the questions. The most suitable garment for the golf course is a polo shirt which features a neat collar and short sleeves.
  3. Tuck your shirt in – some clubs may be flexible on this policy but the standard rule for shirts is to wear them tucked into your trousers at all times.
  4. Wear tailored shorts or trousers – if the weather is warm and you don’t want to wear trousers, make sure your shorts are suitable. Avoid cycling shorts, football sports, swimming shorts or any other casual garment. Always go for something smart and tailored.
  5. Choose socks that are above the ankle – socks are a must on the golf course so do not go without. They should be above the ankle and must be clean and neat looking to pass the etiquette test.
  6. Wear appropriate footwear – if you are new to golfing, you need to invest in some specialist golf shoes. Trainers, pumps or flip flops will not do, no matter how hot the weather.
  7. Always have a golf bag – carrying your clubs around with your hands or in a standard sports bag is not acceptable. You must have a proper sports bag to carry your clubs around and this will keep the course clean and tidy for others. ( Buy golf bags from )

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