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Can't Find A Sports Team? Why Not Start Your Own?


Many people would love to get involved with a team sport, but it can be difficult to find a suitable club or organisation to join. However, there is one simple solution to this problem - why not start a team or club yourself? Whether you want to rekindle your love affair with your favourite college sport, or have just moved to a new area where there are no available teams, it’s a lot easier than you think to set up a club yourself. Let’s take a look at everything you need to consider.

Why do it?

Community sports teams are a great way for you and other people in your area to get - and stay - fit. Team sports are also great for the social aspect and can help you increase skills like team-building, strategy, and organisation. Many sports clubs form an important part of local communities, and nothing is stopping you from creating one if nothing else out there fits your needs.

Who wants in?

The first step is to ensure there is a desire for people to play your sport of interest. Football, cricket, and rugby are often surefire bets, as many people want to play already. But for more alternative sports - American football, for example, you will need to make sure there is plenty of local interest. Ask your family and friends to spread the word, and you could even take out a cheap ad in your local newspaper.


Who are the authorities?

Once you have enough interest, it’s time to get the ball rolling in earnest. The next step is to seek out the sport’s authorities in your area and ask them about joining a league. If you are playng football, for example, suggests you need to contact your County FA. Most major sports will have representatives for your city or county, and they are an ideal starting point. For alternative sports, you may need to look further afield - they might only have regional or district authorities.

What do you need to get started?

Sports such as football or rugby are cheap enough - you just need a few balls, kits, and training cones to get started. You’ll also need to think about awards for player of the match or end of season trophies. The likes of or other trophy sellers might be a good bet for this type of thing, for example. Finally, make sure you have a way of tracking your finances - it’s something that many new club owners forget. You will need to collect subs and membership fees from players, sponsorship from local companies, and all kinds of other incomings and outgoings.


Where can you play?

The next step is to contact your local council about finding a place to play. Churches or community centres might also be a good bet - particularly those who have a decent amount of land. Don’t forget, creating a sports team also creates a range of social benefits, which you should use to make your case.

Can I really take this on?

Finally, be aware that running a sports club can be hard work - but, ultimately, it is incredibly rewarding. As long as you have the time to spare and are committed to making it work, you shouldn’t have too much trouble at all. Good luck - and let’s hope your new sports team enjoys plenty of success!

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